About our Pre-school
Our staff are committed to working as a team and contribute to improving our setting to ensure it provides a safe, secure and stimulating environment for our children. Our team are dedicated to their own professional development and realise its importance for childrens' learning and development.
We work hard to bring routine to our children with opportunities to develop by providing activities and experiences every day that are planned, according to the individual child's interests by following the Early Years Foundation Stage.
Our practice incorporates positive opportunities for children that reflect diversity and address issues of race, culture, gender and disability offering equal opportunity to all. We also work in partnership with outside agencies to enhance children's development.

Our Mission
At Ullesthorpe Pre-school we aim to be the centre of excellence for children and to be well respected within the community. It is our purpose to provide a positive learning environment with qualified and experienced staff that remains professional, experienced, kind and supportive to enable our children to develop successfully in their physical, emotional, social and educational needs.
We are committed to establishing strong relationships with parents/carers by creating a bond between home and pre-school to ensure effective continuity. We seek to provide many ways for effective communication between the two, including regular updates through 1-1 meetings, newsletters and our notice board to share information on your child's achievement, experiences and progress.
Feedback from our parents/carers is important to us and from this continued support, we carry on improving our care and ensuring we continue to provide a happy and safe environment whilst encouraging confidence and independence along the way.
Our Vision
Every child is unique and has a unique way of learning. We aim to provide an environment that meets the needs of all children to enable them to reach their fullest potential and to be the best they can be and value ‘being yourself, being different'.
Learning for the future
To equip our children with skills for learning, life and work, ready to actively grasp and follow their dreams in the future.
Learning from reflection
We aim to reflect on our work and fulfil our learning potential by continually reflecting and evaluating our practice and using the information to help us grow and improve.
To value and empower our children and staff by recognising and celebrating success and achievements and creating opportunities for further learning and development for all.
Safe, secure & caring environment
We aim to provide a safe, happy, secure and caring environment for our children where everyone feels valued, included and respected.
The children
Children are at the centre of everything we do! To provide an environment that focuses on the children, providing them with the experiences and opportunities to develop independence, self-esteem and self-identity whilst respecting others around them and showing kindness throughout.
High is the aim
Highest quality, high expectations, aiming high.
Our community
We aim to value and incorporate all aspects of children’s lives, building a strong partnership with the community and future schools.
We aim to value and incorporate all aspects of children’s lives, building a strong partnership with the community and future schools.
Parents as partners
To work together with parents as partners to improve the learning, development, and care for all children.
Effective learning & teaching
We aim to engage our children in the highest quality learning by creating an enabling environment both indoors and outdoors that is meaningful, stimulating, secure, enjoyable and meets the needs of all.

Our Values
To work together to create the best learning environment and opportunities for all children.
Respect for all
Promoting a culture of tolerance, inclusion, diversity, equality, fairness and opportunity
Being involved, responsive, and interesting.
Sharing & caring
Showing kindness and developing positive relationships.
"Believe in yourself and your abilities and be proud of your achievements.”
Home feel
Creating an environment that feels like home with an extended and supportive family environment.
Providing an opportunity for learning and development for all.
To be open, honest, genuine and sincere with integrity.
Lifelong learning
Through our child-led learning approach, we actively encourage our children to express their ideas and creativity to enable them to develop skills for learning for the future.